(941) 735-0808 teamalvesbjj@gmail.com

Kid’s Jiu-Jitsu Sarasota

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Kid's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Program / Ages 4 and up

The Kid's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Program at Team Alves is designed to build skills, confidence and coordination in a fun and supportive environment. The children learn BJJ movements and techniques, grapple, play games and learn basic self-defense that will help them face a bully or an ill-intentioned stranger.


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a contact sport, but it is also the thinking man's sport. Your child will learn to remain calm in uncomfortable situations while strategizing the best solution. Your child will learn balance, coordination, and develop their motor skills. All of which will benefit them in any athletic discipline they may choose down the road. However, your child's time on the mat will also teach them important life skills like: commitment, confidence, respect, discipline, the value of hard work, and how to be a good teammate. You will see the benefits of these skills and habits translate into the home and the classroom.

Class is an hour long. Professor Alves balances the time between a proper warm-up to help avoid injury, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques and drills, and 'games' (which are really more jiu-jitsu skills practice, disguised as games the kids all love). All children are part of the team and are required to participate and maintain a positive, respectful attitude.

If you have any questions or would like to try a free week of Kid's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, just email Professor Alves or give him a call at (941) 735-0808.