(941) 735-0808 teamalvesbjj@gmail.com


Welcome to Team Alves. We are glad you are here. We are a family owned and operated academy. Professor Manny Alves is head instructor, alongside his wife, Katrina Costedio (that’s me), and assisted by our son, Dylan.

We ask you to PLEASE SIGN A WAIVER. They are located here on the front desk. If you cannot find one, please ask anyone wearing a gi.

We are on our annual trip to Brazil to train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with our Mestres, and to visit family. In our absence, our amazing students are taking care of the gym.

For parents with children trying class: Children 4-8 take our 4;45pm to 5:30pm class Monday and Wednesday, and 5pm-6pm on Fridays. For ages 8+ class is 5:30pm – 6:30pm Monday and Wednesday, and 5pm-6pm on Fridays. Striking for ages 7+ is offered 5:00pm-5:45pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The schedule is here for your convenience.

For adults trying class:  Please see the schedule. You are welcome at any class. If you have any questions please ask the instructor. Other students are also happy to help you feel comfortable.

Please just enjoy training until we return on the 28th, and we will get you enrolled and uniformed when we return. We explain pricing in the video on this page.

Enjoy training, and please remember: NO SHOES ON THE MAT.


Continuous effort—not strength or intelligence— is the key to unlocking our potential.

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